Dr. Melanie ND

Naturopathic Doctor & Clear Channel

As “The Intuitive Edge Doctor” I help people understand their body, lives and businesses better so that they can receive the curated care they need.

My clinical expertise In Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) includes a passion for addressing the underlying cause, such as a person’s epigenetics.

Over the years in my practice I have found there are often multiple underlying causes to one’s health problems including the body’s energetics and one’s mindset.

What I’ve found is that health driven people who are seeking the curated care they need, fear they aren’t being proactive enough in ALL areas of their life.

It’s usually because they haven’t found the doctor who can customize their care to meet their needs. 

They’re frustrated because they’ve been “Doing Everything Right” yet know they are not feeling and/or seeing the benefits or results they desire and therefore begin to question themselves and their decisions.

I Can Relate . . .

The challenge is they’ve been to doctors who may mean well, yet they don’t have the intuition to truly personalize their care.

They are often sold products, procedures and supplements that may actually be making the problem worse!

So they think they need to be in charge of everything and solve their problems themselves.

However, they don’t have the time or the expertise to solve all of their problems themselves.

Sound Familiar?

I’m grateful that your intuition lead you here.

Get ready to ACTIVATE Your Intuitive Edge!

Invest in you body, life and health with a curated program.

I look forward to working with you soon!

♡ Dr. Melanie


  • Naturopathic Medical Degree: (ND) Trained in pharmaceutical medications, herbal and nutrient supplementation, in addition to homeopathic remedies.

  • Epigenetic Expertise: Experienced in StrateGene™️ reports since 2016 and extensive training with Dr. Ben Lynch. How co-factors and other influences affect the body. *I often say I can see pathways like a computer hologram.

  • Bodywork: Physical alignment, visceral manipulation, and posture.

  • Binaural Beats: Brain enhancement that amplifies your efforts.

  • Meditation: A lifestyle behavior that can create shifts in epigenetic markers.

  • Tapping: This energetic technique is a powerful tool to utilize.

  • Psychic: I am able to see what I call a “movie trailer” of what a person’s current energy is projecting. Of course the person is ultimately the director of their own movie!

  • Medium: I am able to communicate with loved ones energies that have left their physical form.

  • Chakras: Energetic clearing of energy centers in the body.

  • Energy Channeling: Activate and upgrade frequency aligned for a person’s highest good.

  • Spirit Guides: Higher dimensional beings that may present themselves to offer insight and facilitate activations and upgrades.

  • Tarot/Oracle Cards: Available to ask specific questions and/or receive additional insight.

  • Moonsight/Astrological Planning: Consider timing of the moon, planets, houses, etc.

  • Human Design: Awareness of and guidance towards living in alignment with ones human design.