Navigating the Intersection of Science: Personalized CBD and Cannabis Solutions

Greetings, fellow health enthusiasts! As a naturopathic doctor, epigenetic intuitive, and investor, my passion for merging cutting-edge science with wellness has led me on an intriguing journey through the realms of biotech and the CBD/cannabis space. Today, I'm excited to share my personal experience with personalized cannabinoid therapeutics and shed light on how your genetic makeup could revolutionize your approach to CBD and cannabis consumption.

A Personalized Discovery

My voyage into the world of personalized CBD solutions began with an unexpected revelation – an EndoDNA report. This report, derived from my 23andMe raw data, opened up a world of genetic insight that went beyond my expectations. While I initially anticipated specific information about the topic at hand, I was amazed by the depth and breadth of information it contained.

The Power of Genetic Alignment

One standout feature of the EndoDNA report was its revelation about my tendency to bruxism, or teeth grinding. Intrigued, I decided to explore further and purchase the "EndoAligned" CBD product, complete with added terpenes. Skeptical due to previous lackluster experiences with CBD products, I embarked on this journey with no expectations.

To my astonishment, the results were profound. With the very first dose, I experienced a notable difference – a sign that the genetic alignment and added terpenes were indeed making an impact.

A Bold Pitch on National Television

How DNA testing can help you and your doctor make informed and strategic decisions about personalized CBD and cannabis solutions.

As I delved deeper into the world of personalized cannabinoid therapeutics, I couldn't help but share my findings with a wider audience. This led me to pitch a segment to a producer at ABC's "The List" TV show, a prospect that brought both excitement and apprehension. The topic of marijuana and cannabis is often met with varying opinions, and I was uncertain about how my pitch would be received – let alone how I felt about discussing it on national television.

Surprisingly, the response was overwhelmingly positive. The chance to spread valuable information that could empower individuals to make informed health decisions outweighed any reservations I had. It was a gratifying moment to see the impact of personalized CBD solutions resonate with people.

Unveiling the Potential

Personalized cannabinoid therapeutics represents a groundbreaking leap in utilizing biotechnology to enhance our wellness journeys. By leveraging the intricate tapestry of our genetic makeup, these solutions offer insights that were once unimaginable:

  1. Understanding Risks and Benefits: Your genes can provide valuable information about potential risks and benefits associated with using cannabinoids. This knowledge arms you with the information needed to make decisions aligned with your body's unique characteristics.

  2. Navigating Interactions: The complex interactions between cannabinoids and other drugs are a critical consideration. Personalized solutions help map out possible drug interactions, ensuring your well-being remains uncompromised.

  3. Finding the Optimal Dose: Just as we're all unique, our ideal doses of cannabinoids vary. Personalized CBD and THC products allow for tailored dosages that optimize efficacy while minimizing unwanted effects.

Embrace Preventative Wellness

Imagine having the privilege of accessing a preventative health doctor who focuses on your unique needs and concerns. If this idea resonates with you, I invite you to take the next step on your wellness journey. Share the top three aspects of your life and health that you're eager to address here, and let's embark on this transformative experience together.


As a naturopathic doctor, epigenetic intuitive, and investor, I'm humbled by the ever-evolving landscape of personalized wellness solutions. The fusion of biotechnology and the CBD/cannabis space holds immense potential for unlocking our true vitality. Through the power of genetics, we're not just embracing a new chapter in wellness – we're rewriting the entire book. Join me in exploring the boundless horizons of personalized CBD and cannabis solutions, where science and well-being intertwine in remarkable ways.

To learn more and schedule an Intuitive Edge Insight Session, fill out this form today. Your journey towards holistic well-being awaits.

♡ Dr. Melanie ND

Dr. Melanie ND

Dr. Melanie ND, “The Intuitive Edge Doctor” helps people understand their lives and bodies better so they receive the precise care they need. After having gut health problems over half her life, Dr. Melanie uses her naturopathic expertise and epigenetic intuition to get results. Many of the people she’s been able to help had sought out treatment for years including major hospitals around the world. Dr. Melanie has spoken about small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) on numerous podcasts, summits and as a keynote symposium speaker. She contributed to the development of the SIBO Center in Portland, Oregon has been published in the Townsend Letter The Examiner of Alternative Medicine, Naturopathic Doctor News and Review (NDNR), Eat This, Not That! and featured Top of The List on “The List TV”.

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