Are YOU Cosmic Curious?✨

Is 2022 YOUR Year to Embrace The Cosmic Talk?

I get it . . .

2021 was my WHOA . . .

What IS THIS year! 


Winter Solstice December 21, 2020, I attended an event

(with my now Ahai™️ 7D energy mentor Christina the Channel)

And at the time I was thinking WHOA . . .

This is WAY TOO "woo-woo" for me. 


You have to feel out the people you're around to sense who's into the cosmic talk,

Who's okay with it . . .

And who thinks "you're dark and evil" . . .

Yup, I’ve had a colleague who I thought was my friend say this to me.

It “triggered” me BIG time at the time, yet now . . .

I have learned to accept all opinions. 

AND to not allow other people’s opinions about what I do bother me!


Because I had mine about this “woo-woo” Winter solstice event. . .


It SLAMMED the cosmic talk in my face and I was charged by it!!


The INSTANT judgement because it was something NEW. . .


That feeling of being UNCOMFORTABLE with the unknown. . .


My curiosity magnetized me to stay for the entire event,

Because I was Cosmic Curious about the Ahai™️ 7D energy work.


What is Ahai™?

Ahai™ 7th dimensional energy is very powerful

. . . and can facilitate rapid transformation!

It can promote physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual healing,

. . . realign the energy body

. . . reactivate your intuitive abilities

. . . raise your vibration

. . . amplify your manifestation practice

. . .and reactivate cosmic DNA!

Many who have experienced other forms of energy healing in the past

Notice a PROFOUND difference when they receive Ahai™ —

“It is stronger and works more quickly.”

The number of sessions recommended will depend on the client and their intentions.

Most clients feel best receiving 1-5 sessions

When targeting a specific concern.

For those interested in energetic maintenance & regular upgrades,

1-2 times a month is recommended.


Now, I’m certified and offering Ahai™️ 7D Energy Sessions

So if you’re✨Cosmic Curious✨. . .


Join Intuitive Edge HIVE or Intuitive Edge Doctor


♡ Dr. Melanie ND

Investor | Business Mentor | “The Intuitive Edge Doctor”

No results are guaranteed, and these sessions are not/should not be considered as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Dr. Melanie ND

Dr. Melanie ND, “The Intuitive Edge Doctor” helps people understand their lives and bodies better so they receive the precise care they need. After having gut health problems over half her life, Dr. Melanie uses her naturopathic expertise and epigenetic intuition to get results. Many of the people she’s been able to help had sought out treatment for years including major hospitals around the world. Dr. Melanie has spoken about small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) on numerous podcasts, summits and as a keynote symposium speaker. She contributed to the development of the SIBO Center in Portland, Oregon has been published in the Townsend Letter The Examiner of Alternative Medicine, Naturopathic Doctor News and Review (NDNR), Eat This, Not That! and featured Top of The List on “The List TV”.

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